Maja Lazić
November 28, 2024


MARS RETROGRADE IN LEO & CANCER 6th of December 2024-24th of February 2025

Mars retrograde is usually a force that cannot be released. This is precisely why during this transit we can carelessly put ourselves in situations where we could physically injure ourselves. During retrograde Mars in Leo, we should especially take care of our back, spine and heart. During retrograde Mars in Cancer, attention should be paid on inflammation of urinary system, bladder and prostate.

Mars retrograde

Mars retrograde happens every two years. Since Mars is the lower octave of Pluto, with which it forms an aspect during this transit, it is clear that some wishes cannot come true now. These desires have nothing to do with our purpose or evolutionary intent. Their root comes from ego and attempt to prove that we are worth it, even though we don’t believe in it.

This transit begins on December the 6th on 6th degree of Leo, on which Mars stands from 2nd-12th of December. If you have ascendant or Sun in Leo, that has aspects with this degree, you should be especially careful! While Mars is in Cancer, warm up from inside with adequate nutrition and cooked food without too many spices and intense flavours.

First two days of New Year, opposition with Pluto will occur exactly on 1st degree of Aquarius and then again on April 26th and 27th at 3rd degree. Direct movement of Mars will start from 24th of February at 17th degree, where Mars was already on October 6th and 7th. It is staying there again from February 12th until 9th of March, 2025.

On March 18th Mars again enters sign of Leo, where it didn’t particularly like being retrograde. Now being direct definitely feels like some kind of relief. Especially during direct movement in Leo, it is important to do breathing exercises.

To whom this transit could be challenging:

  • if you felt like a victim of circumstances for a long time,
  • if you have persistent health problems,
  • if you feel that everyone has abandoned you,
  • if trauma from the past recently repeated again,
  • if you emotionally suffer in a marriage or long-term relationship,
  • if you feel resentment towards a close person,
  • if you cannot handle the pressure,
  • if you have too many obligations, but not enough self-respect to say no,
  • if you can’t see what is the problem due to its projection onto environment.

What will this transit look like for you?

We experience each transit according to level of consciousness of each of our planets. Most people usually have problems with retrograde energy. They feel hurt, enraged or annoy those around them with their behaviour. This is primarily dysfunctional masculine energy that is very dense. We have to do something with it now, but it could be connected to transit from 2023. At that time Venus was retrograde in Leo.

If we are very unaware of Mars retrograde energy, especially if it forms an aspect with natal planets, we might only notice problems after they arise. All this is aimed at solving internal issues. It can also help you stop being angry at someone because of past situations. This emotion is trigger for illnesses, injuries, falls, inconveniences and problems during this period.

Many people will feel this dense energy and fury that has long been formed in their aura even before retrograde begins. However, on spiritual level we can work with any planet by recognizing inner crisis. It is always physical and psychological and there to help us decide to let something go. That is what this energy asks us to do.

If we let go and turn to future, Mars retrograde can be a chance for growth and new level of consciousness. Those who try to solve problems without changing themselves will see that nothing works and will probably be hurt again.

It could be different…

Small number of people can naturally embrace retrograde energy. These are the ones who are aware that there is energetic & emotional problem somewhere in themselves. They know that they have to work on it. This is a part of population that does not act from ego, but has an open heart even when it hurts.

If you find yourself in such painful situation, you can use this transit to find sense of humour in situations where you would rather cry. Energy can especially be released during period of Mars retrograde in Leo through singing and throat chakra.

However, very few people do not have issues with retrograde transits regardless of natal planets. If you are in this small percentage of population, this means that you have a completely different life experience. Then there is no difficulty in outside world because friction is transformed into brightness within you.

In this case, during retrograde transit, we will feel that everything is in its place and accept circumstances that life brings. This is only noticeable for people who have strong Saturn. I noticed that these individuals feel inner peace, nurture themselves holistically, aware of infinity and abundance of life. Definitely during Mars retrograde, each of us can do a little more to allow love and harmony into our lives. In this way, we regulate reactivity of Mars by consciously activating Venus principle.

Instincts and destruction

During Mars retrograde in Cancer and Leo, destructive energy must be transformed into creative energy. This is a way to consciously spend it and at same time live passionately. Remember to say NO more often and first consider amount of energy you have, not your desire, before committing.

While Mars is retrograde in Leo, have confidence to reject what you don’t want or feel is below level you deserve. Be sure to take into account possible cuts, burns and fire hazards, especially during winter months. If you are actively involved in sports, take care not to injure yourself during skiing, skating and extreme winter sports.

Instinct of Mars is to survive because it wants to be active, while it cannot successfully initiate due to emotional wounds. This wounded warrior has bruised ego. He is also deeply hurt by old mistakes that he cannot forgive himself. Of course, martial arts can now be useful and all physical activities where you have freedom to move your body the way you feel is authentic for you.

Anger will be an unhealthy way manifesting Mars retrograde to see that you have no energy for what is important to you now. Your energy is still withdrawn in old experiences that are not integrated. Sexual problems, problems with conception and pregnancy can be noticeable, especially if you have natal planet or Mars in Leo or Cancer.

Analysis for Mars retrograde according to natal Mars

If you know what sign your natal Mars is in, text below is an informative description of what transit of Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer might look like for you. We must always remember that if we have challenges, it is not the transit that is problematic.

What is much more possible is that our natal planets are weak. In this case, it is necessary to work on their strengthening. I talk about that in many posts on my blog and it is also something that I discuss during consultations.

Mars in Aries

If you have natal Mars in Aries, you will want to focus on yourself. This, especially while Mars is in Cancer, can lead to misunderstandings and arguments. Anger because of someone who is your authority, but who condemns your behaviour will show that you need more freedom in your career and business.

You will not solve anything with impatience, but with tact and calmness. If it is not possible to completely solve problems, try at least to do more physical exercises. This will contribute to development of internal strength even when external pressure is great.

Mars in Taurus

If you have natal Mars in Taurus, you may need to realize what is valuable in your life and what really serves you. However, something seems to continue to create mistakes that also have financial consequences. For some of you, depending on your ruler, this may be inadequate nutrition. For someone else who hasn’t gone through Uranus transit yet, this can be about self-confidence.

While Mars is in Leo, it will be necessary to learn to appreciate yourself more and practice focus and endurance. When Mars returns to Cancer, if something disappointing happened, know that this is a way to learn to rely on you in every sense.

Mars in Gemini

If your natal Mars is in Gemini, you may want to change your mind about something that concerns your long-held desires. Some of them may be led to difficult deposition or different outlook on life. Hasty and not completely accurate arguments during Mars retrograde in Leo can lead to a quarrel with someone very important.

Mental exchange is encouraged by different thinking and communication styles. It will be important for you to become aware of what no longer serves you, but what can now help you if you release it. It is a good time to come up with new strategy for business relationships. Communication can be coloured by vulnerable emotions and prone to misunderstanding.

Mars in Cancer

If your natal Mars is in Cancer, you need to pay attention! This is a very important transit for you. Do you want to feel security again in your family, at home and with old friends? Feeling of closeness can’t be easily achieved. When Mars returns to Cancer, projected emotional needs may show that you still cannot satisfy them.

Some of you may expect your partner to take care of everything like a small child expects to be taken care of. All this can lead to loss of energy. It could also lead to situations where you face disappointments. This is a transit which, if challenging for you, only shows in one more way that you must try to resolve internal issues. It is necessary to work on seriousness and emotional self-sufficiency without rejecting environment with which it is not easy to find peace.

Mars in Leo

If you have Mars in Leo, this is a very important transit for you. You will want to take responsibility for your life and feel in control with an increased need for independence. This can lead to problems with your partner. Inflated ego and desire to prove ourselves to someone will lead us to conflicts at workplace. In family, we might think that only our needs are important. If they really love us, they should put as on first place in their life. But such expectations bring serious problems.

What if this time attention is not on you, but you need to give love and attention to those from whom you expect it the most? If you didn’t achieve something in the past, don’t let it haunt you. Maybe now it is not the time for that. If it was supposed to happen, it would have happened a long time ago. Channel grief and anger into creative expression of your inner child.

Mars in Virgo

If you have Mars in Virgo, during this period you may tend to analyse everything. Especially emotions that are still not adapted to circumstances you are in now. While Mars is retrograde in Cancer, you will overestimate crisis that has arisen. You want to somehow achieve improvement in business conditions.

Purify your mind through daily exercise and greater honesty towards yourself and others. Mistakes due to stress are possible. This time try to let go of feeling of shame and injustice. Mars retrograde should help you achieve better judgment and stop self-pity and sacrifice.

Mars in Libra

If you have Mars in Libra, you may again want a relationship with someone who is completely out of your reach. Extreme circumstances in love due to huge emotional imbalance are possible when Mars is in Cancer again. This applies to those who still haven’t solved problems from relationship that ended during 2023.

Breaking with co-dependency and challenges in marriage teach you to flow while Mars in Leo. Strive for independence and uncovering of your deep needs in relationship. This could be very challenging if you have just entered a relationship from which you expect too much. Make an effort to advocate for equality and balance in important relationships even when environment is cold towards you.

Mars in Scorpio

If you have Mars in Scorpio during this period, you may want to finally achieve your deepest desires. These are wishes you may not have told anyone about. While Mars is in Leo, it seems that you will not be able to understand motives of environment which seems to be working against you. This disrupts emotional dynamics that are not as deep as you expect.

Question of using personal power will arise when Mars returns to Cancer and if you are someone prone to emotional manipulation. It will be possible to realize this through some limitation in relationship with loved ones. Everything aims to change and to regenerate your chaotic emotional state. It truly serves to strengthen you. Remember that if you reject your power, you automatically choose powerlessness, but that’s where all your problems come from.

Mars in Sagittarius

If you have Mars in Sagittarius, you may have a desire to expand your life experience during Mars retrograde in Leo. You will want to live your philosophy and embark on adventures. If this is not possible, stress will be present. This has probably already been there since mid-November.

Mistakes are possible because you still don’t trust your intuition. You still don’t live your beliefs and that worries you. You are interested in truth like never before. It is necessary to find courage to be honest and laugh even when things are difficult. If it didn’t turn out the way you wanted, it will be necessary to change your ideology so that it is more in line with you at this moment.

Mars in Capricorn

If you have Mars in Capricorn, while Mars retrograde in Cancer, you will try to free yourself from limitations and inhibitions that stem from childhood. All this bothers you and then emotional pressure manifests outwardly as lack of patience and conflicts.

Deep inner rage that was suppressed comes out. If you express this in healthy way, this transit helps you become independent. This is especially important if there is fear of judgment from environment due to certain decisions. Remember that your natal Mars is naturally strong. If you connect with feeling of inner authority, you will cope with this, too.

Mars in Aquarius

If you have Mars in Aquarius, it is possible that you increasingly realize that life is taking you away from unhealthy emotional circumstances. How different you are from other people will be visible when Mars returns to Leo and when stress starts to manifest itself.

Then you could see that you have not really lived your truth. It will be necessary to make some kind of adjustment. You will not be in mood for relationships. You might want to observe your surroundings and recognize those who are authentic among them. Experimentation and challenges in relationships lead to dissociation. Releasing stress must also be accompanied by releasing what does not serve you on tangible level.

Mars in Pisces

If you have Mars in Pisces, you will want to remove everything unhealthy that you didn’t notice before. Now you are more and more aware that it has been bothering you for a long time. When Mars returns to Cancer, your imagination and emotions will show you how you create meaningful events. It will allow you to open yourself to new life path.

If you were a naive in a relationship, through more conscious communication with yourself and recognition of key thoughts, you will be more focused on grounding and getting out of trouble. Escapism and leaving a relationship is possible in order to feel oneness with what your heart whispers.

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