Maja Lazić
January 15, 2025



In this post, focus is natal Saturn in Sagittarius, which wants us to find and live our truth. This post aims to help you understand yourself and your natal chart more deeply. Saturn in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. It is necessary to connect their meaning. Pay attention to aspects that exist with other natal planets.


Throughout your life, you want to build new identity that is much more honest than you were before. This requires greater determination and awareness of how you are limiting yourself. Many people cannot really say that they believe in themselves. It seems that most of their lives are spent being aware of false identity behind which they hide and protect themselves.

This position has tendency, as long as person is immature, to form insincere relationships with environment. Work is way to learn to rely on themselves, but they often avoids it. Creative energy is strong. They attract circumstances that have to do with travel and adventures that they can embark on. According to person’s protective mechanism, Saturn can manifest as very grandiose personality who does things in big way. They always know everything best.

Or is it really so? Pattern of behavi0uor rooted in childhood and position of Jupiter’s ruler will tell us more about it. Person is full of fears and doubts with tendency to blame environment and circumstances beyond their control. Lesson they learn is to free themselves from natal karma by becoming their own person and deciding not to be victim of circumstances. It is possible to achieve a lot if wound heals, but prerequisite for this is honesty towards themselves and responsible way of life.


Person aims to build completely new and more sincere value system. This means more sober attitude towards money, wiser management of what one has and more responsible attitude towards talents. It teaches that we must discard what does not serve us. We can often be very attached to things that make us feel safe. Exaggerating food consumption as a defence mechanism and trying to compensate for personal insecurity through material things leads to feeling of burden and sluggishness of life.

Saturn helps to bring awareness to inner insecurities that block formation of authentic relationships. In fear of loss, person tends to behave inflexibly. This teaches us to let go of old beliefs that no longer serve us and to be more honest about what is really important to us.

When we become aware of this, progress in career and external success are certain. If we do not let go of childhood fear, we will have impression that nothing is ever good enough. If we have deep belief that we cannot have what we want, which has to do with natal Jupiter, we will constantly be torn between unfulfilled desires and realistic possibilities.


This requires us to be objective and believe in ourselves. If, depending on natal chart, we have tendency to trust environment more than ourselves, we will have problems. It is possible to be inflexible in thinking and to rationalize topics related to emotional life in communication. We will want to avoid discussions that make us feel vulnerable or not good enough. It seems that we always lack knowledge or that we are not sure what is true and what is lie.

We feel karmic connection to friends and family members. We usually have impression that we are not understood the way we would like. Throughout life, we learn to let go of feeling of injustice and tendency to judge ourselves for ways we reacted. If we are not sincere, it will always manifest as bad health.

Communication problems are present as indication that we do not understand ourselves. Usually, during schooling, we had great fear of teachers and problems with documents. Everyday life does not fit with our beliefs about life.

Therapy is very useful because through speech, just as it can hurt, it can also help us heal. If we learn how to understand how body, thoughts and emotions communicate with us, we gain confidence and overcome fear. During Saturn return, we have opportunity to understand what is true for us through practical experience.


It indicates discomfort that exists at home and family because of something that happened before person’s birth or in early years of life. Emotional truth is denied because it’s easier that way. Life is hard and pretending everything is ok is a defence mechanism. We are in a hurry to grow up and leave home or we carry pain inside us. We could exaggerate work habits as way to deal with severe pain and fear, but at same time such behaviour hurts family.

Trauma at home with family members, inability to find peace or settle down are very possible. During transits, other planets teach us to love ourselves and not project problems onto environment. It teaches us to satisfy unfulfilled expectations on our own. Person is not grounded and relationship with their roots is weak.

Aim is to gain deeper understanding of family members and their emotions. We have to overcome defence mechanisms that prevent us from forming our own family. Tendency towards isolation and unhealthy relationships that can never replace what one truly wants are way for wounds to deepen and lessons not to be learned.


This position can be used for creativity inspired by pain and trauma. In this way, we get rid of inner discomfort. Person felt great pain during childhood. This led to creation of acting like having a great time, but feeling not so confident.

Deep down, we fees broken and hide from ourselves and especially from those we love. It can attract ill or emotionally inhibited persons with whom relationship will deepen this pain. Loss and problems with our partner are possible. We may have difficulty conceiving. We are not sincere in our relationship and sometimes behave selfishly trying to make those around us see our needs.

This position can be common with musicians, actors, painters and people who teach. It prevents them from feeling true joy and acts like they have to sacrifice for every moment of happiness. Pain can be used as inspiration for writing or artwork. Unfortunately, until Saturn’s return, we usually waste lot of years in fun and meaningless activities that only support feeling of inner void.

Insincerity in relationships and inability to let go can lead to harbouring illusions about love and talents. We are prevented from truly choosing love because of wounds that make it impossible to give and receive in relationship. We could lack intimacy and closeness and often lose friends and partners during adulthood.


If we are honest with ourselves, despite wounds that have occurred during life, we have opportunity to integrate this situation through correct behaviour. However, most people end up hurting themselves even more. It leads to deepening problem by focusing on practical instead of finding higher meaning in ordinary things.

This position characterizes person who has challenges in business environment and everyday life that are fuelled by negative internal dialogue. It’s like it’s constantly going round and round in the mind. We expect things to change somehow. Weak health and circumstances at work that make our life meaningless are possible.

Always loving and never having peace to be loved without having to work for it is a huge lesson. But body will always set limits for us through pain. Business problems are usually accompanied by reluctance to pay attention to bodily sensations. This means that we have to face our fear that exists in first chakra.


It is associated with challenges in relationships, marriage and long-term goals. We can pretend that we don’t care even when we really do. We tend to have lot of relationships that don’t mean much or avoid them for years. Often marriage is only possible later in life when we reach emotional maturity.

This position indicates that we can blame our partner for problems or because we are not getting something the way we want. Sometimes we give too much to those who cannot receive it from us. Issues explode when our beliefs about life change making our viewpoint of love also change.

This means becoming aware of fear that also triggers emotion of injustice. Behaviour that does not serve us needs to be abandoned. Divorce if it happened around first Saturn return is always indication that we have not built ourselves.

We sought security in relationships that could never give us that. Problems arise in long relationships that we want to deepen which we cannot achieve very easily. We can spend years in unfulfilling marriage.


It indicates problems in intimate relationships and with shared resources. We can enter into relationship in order to gain material resources, unaware of how we are hurting ourselves and our partner. There is big tendency to create karma for ourselves, which will keep us chained in past. Serious operations due to chronic disease are possible.

Insincerity in marriage and inability to get over those who have gone disturbs us. It is necessary for us to be very emotionally strong despite our vulnerability and be reborn through another relationship. Old wounds hurt, but we choose not to look at them or open them.

When we learn to free ourselves from psychological patterns that prevent us from connecting with our own resources that exist within us, we begin integration of this. Emotional storms follow us and we cannot always understand them. We have to realize when we are running away from intimacy even though we want it the most.


Saturn manifests as problems and obstacles related to education, learning and travel. Person is afraid of unknown and usually has not accepted full responsibility for long-term plans and goals.

It is necessary for us to see everything from wider perspective so that we can achieve our goals leading us to success. There are problems with focus and motivation. Career is place where we don’t always find our way. We live by standards that can bring us into conflict with environment.

We must develop determination and perseverance and verify our beliefs through social position. If we do not accept responsibility and not heal wounds that hurt us still, we find ourselves in situations where friends and colleagues abandon us.

Because of different beliefs, we lose people who were only ones who understood us. Dramatic and raw struggle for personal philosophy of life can be traced back to old age.


This position indicates problems at work. We must accept responsibility for our career and goals that we cannot achieve quickly or adequately. We do not see clearly which behaviour does not serve us. We usually have problems with our father or boss. Realistic view of situation is required.

This teaches us to use resources we have and value ourselves even when we don’t reach our goals or succeed. Life circumstances in family create unrest for us. It seems that nothing is certain in our life. We have to put in lot of effort and sacrifice. If we are not determined and not know what goal we want to achieve, we lose a lot of time and energy wandering around.

We feel that something is always stopping us from progressing. Sometimes we project this onto our family or partner. They seem to be obstacle for us. Focusing onto our work sooner or later leads to serious challenges with family members and partners.

Loss of position is possible if we do not have integrity and clear conscience and if we have built false self behind which to protect ourselves. We have to stop making sacrifices at work to prove our worth.


This position introduces need to understand how system functions in society, at work and in close environment. We do not feel like part of rigid system and often show false self in group. Groups make us feel safe or we still act like none of these people understand us.

Fear exists because we adapt too much to value systems with which we do not resonate or which cannot help us survive. We lack self-worth preventing ourselves from seeing bigger picture. We can usually have problems with money we invested in wrong projects. Obstacles in business and private goals are possible.

We are very sensitive to criticism and dysfunctional relationships are hard to overcome. We are dedicated to goals that mark us and we need to focus our energy on this. Mental anxiety follows us in life until we find ourselves and those who will be as dedicated to our vision as we are.


It indicates that we cannot let go of something that happened long time ago. We cannot come to terms with difficult emotional situation. We do not understand how past is related to our reality. We want to ground ourselves and find purpose in life. We can avoid responsibility for many years.

When we had to grow up, we couldn’t. We are usually spiritually blocked. We know that something exists that is greater than everything, but we cannot reach it. We interpret this as not having something in life. It is true that there is blockage in us that is related to family problems. Honesty is difficult, but whatever happened we have chance to heal when our soul embraces it.

Although we feel inhibited in at least one area of ​ life, we compensate for this with routine. Holding on to known makes us feel safe. It seems that past continues to disturb our present moment. We are confused because we don’t listen to our intuition. We often have resistance to spirituality and religion.

We feel that we are not worthy of love and do not love ourselves and are prone to destructive actions. We don’t have healthy boundaries in relationships and usually when we look back we see how we got into relationships that were insignificant. They conditioned us to remain wounded even though we thought they were helping us…

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