Maja Lazić
For many people chronic health issue or some physical injury was reason to search for answers in astrology. Although astrology can help us understand why health problems occur, lack of health is primary indicator of inadequate connection with natal chart and entire Universe.
Basics of evolutionary astrology teach that planets are within us. If we do not understand, renounce, hate or have prejudices about them, our body begins to show signs of lack of alignment. I will give examples how body tells us through messages of natal planets that something is wrong in our relationship with the Universe. In the future I would like to address this issue through series of texts on various health symptoms.
Saturn & Mars
Person who has weak Saturn through musculature and body tension will have tendency to form muscle armour that will make him unable to let new information pass. He cannot hear the Universe. Body here represents defence mechanism and is frozen in fear. Out of concern of being hurt, he neglects himself, unaware of his inner state. Weak Saturn is visible when person suffers from bone pain, has skin problems or increased hair loss.
Person who negates his natal Mars may feel intense itchy skin at moments when stress is high. Skin on the cheeks may be red and inflamed. Blood pressure may be increased and muscles cramping during night. Usually emotion of rage is hidden here with repressed sexuality. Long-term problem with Mars, inactive in person’s energy field, manifests as sluggishness of entire organism and inflammation of bone joints.
Both planets will seek to be contacted from within in order to heal. This must be observed through entire natal chart. In astrology nothing is isolated, as it is not in our body. Mars and Saturn must be integrated together. Prolonged problems with Mars, if not solved, lead to serious challenges with Saturn.
Transit challenges
If a person has problems with natal Saturn, at some point experiences them more intensely. This can be seen through sensitive skin when boundaries are violated. These boundaries can be related to the feeling that we are not safe, respected or that no one sees or loves us.
In children, this also manifests as eczema or beginning of “children’s diseases”. For children this is connected to Moon. For adults it is connected to Mars. Especially if person has no patience or is irritated by something inside that is projected onto environment.
Especially when Saturn transits Moon and suppressed emotions surface, small problems suddenly become huge. That’s why most people are afraid of this particular transit. It will show where we are not in good connection with ourselves. Over time person inevitably loses contact with the Universe. She acts as if life has passed her by not knowing how to join in. With rigid muscles and posture, person does not know how to return to herself and everything in her life loses its meaning. Her energy is visibly withdrawn from the body, eyes are dull and voice incoherent.
Moon conjunct Saturn
Transiting Saturn conjunction Moon shows inability to accept our feelings and self-regulate them. Fear of being hurt by close environment is so great that person often does not see thatis closing himself off from the world all the time. Rigidity and contraction of body teaches us an increased need for flexibility that should come from within.
Often chronic health problems become acute and person can fear for his health. It is true that he actually is afraid of life and that “disease” or “symptom” makes him stay in the “safe zone”.
During transit Moon conjunct Saturn can manifest as ill mother of person whose Moon is in question or as concern for her child. Deeply buried, but unresolved problems in family can come out through health problems that we often associate with old age. This has to do with natal Moom from which we have lived completely cut off for a very long time. Saturn “forces” us to return to ourselves.
Moon in natal chart
Problems usually start from unconscious images of natal Moon, whichever transit or aspect it is in question, that resurface to be healed. These patterns of behaviour are activated on autopilot. Bladder and kidneys can help us release something every day. And old astrological books say that health of pelvic floor and reproductive organs can be seen through quality of person’s relationships.
Amount of self-love and self-esteem is seen in healthy pelvic floor and flowing partnerships. Just analysis of Venus without awareness of pelvic energy quality cannot fully help. Therefore, it is always necessary to be receptive to energy and to know how to read it together with astrological symbols!
Body shows us every day how irresponsible we are with our energy. We carry ocean of sadness, sediments of anger and worry, unaware that we are constantly contributing to collapse of our own health. All this is a clear indication that person does not feel that is a part of the Universe. He feels separated. This sense of external separation is equivalent to the internal one.
Transit aspects of Moon
Every month transiting Moon will make an aspect to natal Mars. If you know how to check this, I recommend that you keep a transit diary. Focus not on external happenings and events, but on the internal state and possible health symptoms.
That time, which is day or two when aspect is exact, should be used to ask ourselves on whom and why we are angry. Can we channel this rage constructively? If there is concern about money, when Moon conjuncts natal Venus or Jupiter, person may become more aware of how he have been irresponsible with money. He used to be trying to use it to replace bad emotions or “buy” love.
However, whole body and problems in sacral chakra will show current state of which we may not be aware at all. This situation must change in order for any aspect to be used on a material level in positive way.
Astrology & Pregnancy
Many people turn to astrologers when they want to get pregnant or if they have problems with pregnancy. This is not something I would advise or recommend. I think this can create problems for many women, because they rely on transits or words of someone outside of them instead of their own felt sense. Body never lies and regardless of natal chart, transits or synastry, pregnancy may not happen if body is overpowered by ego. Also if it is guided by some other agenda that it will not acknowledge.
Person who has problems with food and nutrition all life, which immediately shows weak Moon, weak Sun and congested third chakra, with food allergies (especially dairy products) is not energetically able to bear healthy pregnancy. Through issues with stomach, insulin resistance or thyroid gland, all of which are related to poor condition of Mercury and Venus, in addition to previously mentioned factors, she could experience situations where body rejects what she is trying to initiate.
I must emphasize that almost no one is borm with ‘bad planets’. If state of consciousness is lower and ego strong, problems will soon arise. Much greater danger arises as a result of how we live, eat and how our everyday life looks like, too.
Problems with pregnancy
Body that has weak or bend spine and small flow of energy in pelvis, but strong mental will and resistance might try to stay pregnant, even though body and energy were never “planned” for that. This has karmic consequences. Just as someone may not have children for unknown karmic reasons, someone trying to get pregnant when everything indicates that is not possible in this lifetime, can create even deeper and heavier karma.
Energy in whole body, especially in pelvis, always clearly indicates whether or not we are ready for pregnancy. Many medical procedures can also injure pelvic floor of a person that has weak natal Moon. This is often seen in aspects to Pluto.
This is especially visible if natal Moon is on a sensitive degree and in square with ascendant ruler. And if Sun is in derivative XII house from position of natal Moon, when there is a stellium in VI house which is intercepted or squared. This is a big topic and I only touch on it here because there will be more to say in the future.
One Life
What a person cannot feel towards Life and the Universe, he will not be able to achieve in his Life. Someone who does not see abundance and finds fault in everything, thinking that people are evil and that everything is against him, cannot live in abundance whatever Jupiter he has.
In women, it can be seen that there is a theme of rejection of femininity and non-acceptance of their body through disturbances in menstrual cycle. This will always be seen in some way in person’s appearance. Women who have intense cycle are shown through Moon square Uranus or Moon opposition Saturn. These are just some examples that I often come across.
Problems with the transits of Moon will indicate a lack of full body presence and detachment from bodily sensations. Every day Moon teaches us to adapt and let go. Many people live only through Sun, completely neglecting their Moon. If person does not like her natal Moon because of its sign and position in house, this may indicate that there is subconscious discrepancy in her feminine energy. She will not be willing to let herself go, will often be “bossy” and work all the time.
Such a person may not be able to get pregnant easily. If this happens at all, she may not be able to maintain it. If there is fear or intolerance towards her mother, this could be manifested as problems in pregnancy, with reproductive organs and stomach. Whatever exists at this level will be transmitted through chakras on other organs.
Other cases
If there is problem with natal Saturn and Moon, person might have tendency for anorexia. This indicates serious disconnection from the Universe and natal energy. Person will usually not be aware of stress and trauma stored in body. She will try to “destroy” it by starving herself to death in order not to feel anything. Her inability to integrate painful emotions will be manifested through sense of control over her diet. This is an indication of a problem with person’s Pluto, too.
Often all this is connected with huge fear from childhood. Primary needs of a baby could have been completely neglected in this case. Now possibility of person feeling those feeling is pushed to extreme through self-destructive limits of food intake. If person has not integrated feeling of being protected during an early age, if contact with her mother was sporadic or family very turbulent, she could eventually develop various health symptoms that serve as a force in order to change.
If as a child she was not fed in accordance with her needs, this may result in inability to recognize how to feed herself in adulthood. She is used to living without food. Now she can’t do it if she wants to live. Only thing she knows is to numb herself because then she has sense of control. In her mind, this is known to her and also certain to work. Until it doesn’t …
Transits as a way to solve problems
Each transit to Moon pulls out what has been pushed into it through our emotional body in order to heal it. Health problems we encounter will be more intense when we do not feel that our life is fulfilled and if there is a feeling of panic and fear of letting go.
People who have particularly emphasized Pluto will tend to be very controlling of their bodily reactions. They will push impulses of the Universe into the deep unconscious for fear of losing control. Worry and fear of change will manifest as body that cannot heal itself. Especially if this lasts for a long time and if person has strong resistance to life, which can be seen through weak Sun.
Fear of future, lack of money or some big insurmountable failure usually concerns us and leads to suppressed energy of Pluto. There is tendency for person to refuse to make decisions that will lead him forward. If person does not know how to manage his Pluto, she will have problems with people whose Pluto is strong. Often feeling contempt or jealousy for those who are more powerful than him exists, too.
It must always be remembered that problems never arise due to a transit. They are here solely due to repressed natal energy and mismatch with its vibration. When we live our planets completely, then there is no pain. If we don’t live them, body first mildly and then louder tells us that something needs to change. We inevitably come to a question: if transits are constantly changing and will always change, why does man refuse to go with them? And if he doesn’t go with them, where does he “stay” or where does he “go”? Of course, the topic of dissociation will also be discussed at some point in the future.
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