Maja Lazić
January 6, 2025



17th of June 2023-11th of January 2025

Lunar nodes are considered critical points in natal chart and evolutionary astrology for a reason. Negative or positive connotation certainly exists, but negative usually prevails.

South Node keeps us firmly stuck in uncomfortable situations from the past that we can’t leave behind. Life of people whose natal planet is in conjunction with South Node stagnates. It seems that whatever they do does not help much to ease the pain. South Node in evolutionary astrology indicates egocentric tendencies and accumulated karma. These energetic remnants of past can keep us in comfort zone.

North Node, on other hand, needs to be developed in this life. According to evolutionary astrology, whether we will succeed in this depends on us. Certainly with MC and Fortune it is about dharma. North Node has a magnetic character and whether we like it or not, it attracts us strongly. Still there are many troubles along the way. After all, this is the Hero’s Path, as Joseph Campbell wrote.

Analysis focused on nodes can reveal personality trait that you have always hidden and thought no one could see. It seems that such trait has been living life as revenge. Walt Whitman said: “I am actually made up of countless persons.” Therefore, we can look at nodes as persons inside you who hold you in past away from the person you should become in this life.

Lunar nodes and the past

Lunar nodes return us to face the past every 18 and a half years. They spend about a year and a half in one sign. In karmic astrology, lunar nodes are associated with fateful events that happen around eclipse. We usually somehow have very strong feeling what may happen, but our ego will not allow us to do the right thing. We were warned, but we made the same mistake as before.

There are two very important transits of lunar nodes during life. Return of lunar nodes occurs at about 19, 38, 57, 76 years. It is when we are ready for some new lessons and pathways in life. We can become aware of what we haven’t really integrated in our life, even though we thought we had.

Reverse return of lunar nodes happen at age of about 9, 28, 47, 76 years. It is time when we are forced to let go of past. If this is unconsciously blocked, we remain stuck on unfulfilling Life Path and everything seems to fall apart.

One particular challenge is when transiting lunar nodes square natal nodes. If natal nodes are in Cancer and Capricorn, square could have encouraged feelings of frustration during 2023-2024. It could be clear that you don’t have room for change and that you can’t do what you want. For many people, this manifests as greatly increased tension in family.

Lessons from Lunar Nodes

Venus, as ruler of South Node in Libra, could have expressed its imbalance through kidney problems, unstable hormonal levels, polycystic ovaries, lower back pain and urinary problems.

Mars, as ruler of North Node in Aries, could have expressed its imbalance through loss of muscles, inflammation of joints, increased acidity, low energy, nervousness and problems with metabolism.

Solar and lunar eclipses during this transit cleansed our attitude towards ourselves and other people. If you have Sun in Aries, eclipses brought opportunities for development of something new in your life. If you have Sun in Libra, eclipses brought about need to let go of old identity.

Lunar nodes

When it comes to lessons of natal nodes, most people are stuck in the past. They usually repeat same destructive behaviour periodically through transiting aspects with nodes. This time transit has concerned love relationships. Relationships began and ended as soon as it became clear to us that we had not learned much from previous transit of nodes in this sign.

Those who, as teenagers made bad love choices, in their late thirties did it again shocked by pain that emerged. During transit lunar nodes will always shows us problems and lessons that, if we remember our past, we see that they were clearly visible. Lunar nodes change our level of consciousness which has effect on our perception of life, too.

Aspects of Venus and Mars as rulers of these transiting nodes showed relationship tension and instability that undermined authentic relationships. During this transit, aspects of Venus and Mars pointed out path that had to be taken.

However, energy level we had in order to maintain important relationships was low. There was lack of motivation to start new relationships and many people chose to preserving old dysfunctional ones.

End of this transit on 11th of January 2025

North Node in Aries awakened need for healthy sense of self that yearned for freedom. Energy was expressed in combative way and anger when we were not open to compromise. Many felt lonely because North Node had aspects with Chiron. Many wanted to be better, stronger or more assertive than their old identity. We all competed with our old selves in some way.

Ruler of this North Node is now Mars retrograde in Cancer. Impulsive and instinctive behaviour is therefore accentuated. Many are very reactive in themes around natal house in which node is located. This could be about relationships, business or money. South Node, especially with retrograde Venus in 2023, helped us to see love relationships through fair lens. New connections based on justice and diplomacy contributed to release of old parts of our ego.

Wounds from childhood were awakened at mature age during eclipse in Aries when greater emotional maturity was sought. Many of us were not aware of how environment experienced their insincerity or lack of determination. Projections on close people in our lives were replaced by decision-making in previous months. One of those decisions was to finally show up in our life.

Old personality

House cusp ruled by Mars, but especially for those who have intercepted natal nodes, can show how to heal our wounded ego. This enables new sense of self-believing personality to awaken in us. In first days of January, old personality is replaced by inspiring picture of strong energy of someone who is very different. This is no longer projected but conscious part of us.

South Node taught us to build a deeper relationship with cooperation, sharing emotions and balance of giving and receiving. We were forced to see someone else’s perspective and admit that someone else is maybe right after all.

We had let go of high expectations and co-dependency in relationships. For first few months of this transit, many were afraid to say no. Yet many are still afraid to say yes to something. As nodes slowly move into Pisces and Virgo, bravery of North Node in Aries and balanced relationships with environment of South Node in Libra can provide opportunities for healing and less self-criticism.

Have these lessons been learned?

If you’ve learned to set healthy boundaries in a relationship, it’s very likely that you’ll be more confident about what you want and don’t want. Use first days of 2025 to ask yourself how lessons of nodes in Aries and Libra can continue to serve you. Remember to trust your instincts when making decisions. Free yourself from old connections that keep you in fear and thus away from love.

To fulfil your needs, rely on yourself by being more honest with yourself and environment. Satisfying needs of environment in order to be loved must now definitely be replaced by self-love. This is the healing that we will be integrating for years to come, on practical and spiritual level.

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