Karmic Astrology

Eclipse Energy

There is no good or bad natal chart. It is that your actions lead to bad or good manifestations in a certain context. Man has free will, but its use has consequences and that is what creates life. Somebody may have “good aspects” at birth, but turn them into “hell” during life.

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Transiting Moon

How difficult or easy the natal chart will be for us and the experience of life itself, does not depend on any transit or natal aspect. It especially does not depend on the astrologer and his words. The quality of life depends exclusively on ourselves and the way we (un)consciously use the energy of the natal chart.

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Retrograde planets

Retrograde planets are energetically experienced as slower and more dense energy. There is a tendency towards bringing us back to the past. Still, going back is good. People are on a daily basis constantly chasing something, often thinking they can be faster than life. But until we complete what we have started in the past, we cannot manifest something new. Fighting with the odds, detached from nature, removed from the essence of life-we are left defeated.

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Transiting Uranus aspects

Transiting Uranus stays in one sign for about seven years. It is retrograde for about five months per year. Because of that it happens that transits on the natal planets may last for over a year. Uranus transits shake us to open up and see the world with the new eyes.

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Karmic lessons & Saturn

Saturn always causes fear if we do not have a firm support within ourselves. This planet teaches us important life lessons through obstacles and difficulties that arise, because we have not mastered something important in the past. However, neither sadness nor pain is Saturn’s goal, but often it’s the only way to learn our karmic lessons.

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The conjunctions of Pluto, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune with the natal Sun can bring about great changes in our personality and also different goals, desires and ways of expressing ourselves and a stronger will.

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Cosmic Consciousness

Jupiter enhances your knowledge beyond the boundaries of what you already understand. Jupiter is not concerned with the details, but the real essence and the opening of new perspectives.

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Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026)

For some of you, everything can go in the different direction. You will notice changes in the form of sudden discontinuation (Uranus) of consuming something you love if you have been regularly eating or drinking. Especially coffee or soda drinks.

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Healing aspects & transits

If there is a karmic situation with a certain person you are close with, that has started to happen during the transit, think about the characteristics that the person has and that you find not very nice or irritating. You may have these characteristics too, but you deny them.

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